About the Artist

Niharika Jetty is a self-taught artist based in Columbus, Ohio, USA. She has received no formal art training; everything she creates is through her own trial & (most importantly) error.

Niharika graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in Cell Biology & the intention of becoming a doctor. After a difficult reevaluation of her life, she changed course drastically. Throughout life’s every up & down, art and her love for it have been the only constants.

This innate passion journeyed into exploration, as she continues to hone her craft through a diverse array of influences, from the Old Masters to modern visionaries. She paints mainly in traditional realism styles.

From fairytales to wildlife, her work aims to portray dreamlike scenarios onto the canvas. She is continually inspired by some of her heroes such as John William Godward, Maxfield Parrish, Emile Lecomte-Vernet & aims to create works that depict the ethereal & nostalgic feelings fostered by historical & classical art by the Old Masteres. Her biggest heroes however, remain her family & friends, who’s continual love & support motivate her every day. She invites you to see her works not as a portfolio, but as pieces of herself.

Over 300,000 years of human evolution led us to develop the arts. Art is so critical to life that science itself deemed it desirable for humans evolve the ability to express themselves. Cave drawings to modern art prove that the desire to create is not only in our heart but in our very DNA”. - Niharika